Do you want to perform at Yläkaupungin Yö?
The spring is nearing us once again, and so is Yläkaupungin Yö! We have now opened the application form for all kinds of performers and performations. Let your imagination fly high, as we welcome all kinds of art forms from punk to art exhibitions, and… -
The program for Yläkaupungin Yö benefit concert has been published!
The program for Yläkaupungin Yö benefit concert has now been published! The benefit concert takes place in Lutakko on Saturday, 27th of April, in collaboration with Jelmu ry (Jyväskylän Elävän Musiikin Yhdistys). The live performers of the night are… -
Yläkaupungin Yö takes place on 17.–19.5.2024 – applications are now open!
Sunny wishes from Yläkaupungin Yö! Spring is fast approaching, and so is Yläkaupungin Yö. The festival will take place on 17.–19.5. The theme of this year is cats, which won the hearts of the production team members and got second place in the theme… -
First artists are out! Record breaking 300 applications so far.
Yläkaupungin Yö’s Spring Fest is almost here! All the parks, streets, boutiques, bars and museums will be filled with multi-cultural programme in the last weekend of May, 26.-28.5.! Viitasen Piia performs at the city church on Friday 26th with her… -
Älylän ehtoo
Welcome to Älylän ehtoo! Älylän ehtoo is a flowery pre-event for the Yläkaupungin Yö Festival. Join us at Villa Rana on Friday the 14th of April to discover finnish underground art and culture, starting at 16:30. The first part of the event will take… -
The search for artists has begun! Theme for the next festival has been chosen.
Yläkaupungin Yö 2023 will take place on 26. – 28.5. You can now fill the performance application and you might be chosen to perform at Yö! The application form is open until the festival week, but we recommend applying as soon as possible, because we… -
Is your friend an artist? Let us know!
Is your friend a talented violinist or do they paint funny pictures? Are they amazing at pole dance or do they write heartbreaking poems? As a Valentine’s day gift you can report your friend to us, and you might get to see them perform at this… -
Yläkaupungin Yö presents: Sisi Majitu at Toivola
Happy autumn! While it is steadily getting darker this autumn, Yläkaupungin Yö is offering something to brighten the dark evenings and brings Sisi Majitu with their spectacular show to the idyllic old courtyard of Toivola! Sisi Majitu combines fire, drum…