Yläkaupungin Yö takes place on 17.–19.5.2024 – applications are now open!


Sunny wishes from Yläkaupungin Yö!

Spring is fast approaching, and so is Yläkaupungin Yö. The festival will take place on 17.–19.5. The theme of this year is cats, which won the hearts of the production team members and got second place in the theme suggestion contest last year. Cats and animal rights as a theme will feature at least in the festival’s speaker program and charity cause to be chosen later. Cats will also feature in this year’s posters, program guide, and merchandise.


Benefit concert in Lutakko in April

A benefit concert for the festival will take place in Lutakko on the 27th of April. The concert will be organized in collaboration with Jelmu ry (Jyväskylän Elävän Musiikin yhdistys), and different artists from Jyväskylä will be performing there. The program will be published later this spring, and the tickets will go on sale then, too. Proceeds from the concert will go towards producing Yläkaupungin Yö.


Performer, volunteer, and stallholder applications are now open

Applications for performers, volunteers, and marketplace stallholders are now open! If you wish to perform in this year’s festival, help with the festival’s production, sell your products, or introduce your organization to new people, you can fill out the forms below.


Support the festival

Do you want to support the festival? Become a member of Yläkaupungin Yö or buy some merchandise from Yö shop! You can become a member by paying the membership fee of 5€ or more to Yö’s bank account below. Remember to include your surname and all first names for the member register! You can read more about memberships here.

Membership fees:
Personal members’ contribution of 5€, or a larger amount of your choice
Community members and companies 50€
Support bank account: FI95 80001970021912
Index number: 16007

Article image: Sisi Majitu performing in 2023, photographed by Inka Pasanen.